Monday, April 2, 2012

Ethos Design Winner!

You've met the lovely Anna from Ethos Design...

You've read what she's recommended for my space...

Now it's time to share the love and announce the winner of the "Refresh Kit" from Ethos Design, valued at $249.00!

A big congratulations go to Erica!  I know exactly what it feels like to have an unfinished room, and feeling the need to make it cosier.  All homes deserve to have that warm, lived in look, and now Anna will be able to help you achieve your goal!  Here's Erica's answer...

I can honestly say, Anna from Ethos Design, has relieved my mind of the stress related to decorating my space. I now feel confident in finishing off our living and dining rooms, and that I have some direction for the future.  Defining my style was the first that I know what I like and how to apply it to my space, it's just a matter of time before I can finally call this house a home.

Congratulations again Erica. I hope you enjoy the Ethos Design experience as much as I have!

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