Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm on my way...

Photo by noflickr
From misery to happiness today...ahuh! Welcome to 2009! I couldn't wait for the calendar to click over from last year...2008 was such a trying year and I just know this year is going to be better.

Andrew was made a permanent employee after 3 years! Such fantastic news to receive on Christmas Eve. I know that he'll be much happier, and that in turn makes us all happy. He's about to have his first paid holiday in 5 years - that's a long time between breaks, and I know he's very much looking forward to it.

Seth successfully finished Kindergarten. I was so worried he'd be left behind because of his age, but he is surprising everyone with his abilities. It blows my mind that he can sit down and read a whole book! Not just a kiddy book; a proper novel with chapters and no pictures! That's awesome for a 5.5 yr old. He's met his Year 1 teacher already and he's really looking forward to going back to school at the end of January. He seems so much more grown up now, but thankfully he still loves a cuddle with is mamma.

Emeline is getting better...we haven't had a trip to the hospital for quite some time and she managed to hold off any asthma attacks during winter. Although she was diagnosed with whooping cough at the beginning of December, this hasn't turned into an asthmatic episode and for that, I am truly thankful. She's getting better everyday and is such a sweetie (despite her penchant for biting atm!).

As for me, I am working my way out of a funk. I can't wait to have a genuine smile on my face again and have a really good belly laugh - I miss that! I don't normally make resolutions, but this year I've decided to focus on things that make me happy. I'm going to find out my bliss! I'm going to be kinder to myself. I'm going to look after myself better. I'm going to try to not let people, or situations or little things bother me as much. I'm not making resolutions about exercising more or losing x amount of weight - they just don't work. I figure if I work on being happy, those other things will happen...and you know what? A happy me equals a happy mother, a happy wife, a happy house, a happy friend and a happy co-worker...its a happy result for everyone around me too.

2009 is going to be a good year...I can feel it in my waters.

I promise the next few posts will be chock full of photos from Christmas and a few layouts. I have started Project 365 and I'm really pushing myself to take a photo everyday that is meaningful to us. Unfortunately I missed out on buying the kit from CK, but I'm hopeful I will be able to in the future...if not, that's okay too because I know I can do it by myself (see - an example already of not letting situations bother me...yay, for me). Drop me a line if you're attempting the 365 - we can all keep each other inspired to continue!

In the meantime, take care of you and those who matter. Cheers, Lis.


Anonymous said...

I hope you continue crawl out of that hole, and cope O.K. with life. If you are on meds I hope you won't be tempted to ditch them too soon, because they do make a difference. Hugs to you. Lynne D.

Sandra Henderson Staples said...

We'll miss lisa - i now understand what you mean by being exhausted after reading your blog - me too!!!. Now for the belly laughs - you know I'm always up for a good one or two. Looking forward to sharing some in '09, although my resoulution of saying NO instead of YES to everything could get in the way !!!! ha ha ha. See you saturday with a smile.( & probably a yawn or two after friday night )

Cass said...

*hugs* Here's to a better, brighter, happier year for us both this year! :)

Liz Weber said...

Good For You Lisa, so glad to see you feeling more positive about yourself and congrats to your hubby, Andrew on his permanent job status.

Wow Seth is amazing reading those chapter books already - my son started that last year in Grade 1 and I thought that was good. Has Seth read the Zac Power books - Zane LOVES them!

So glad Emeline is well, I hope it stays that way.

Have a fantastic week Lisa - with your attitude it's is sure to be great!

Anonymous said...

I hope 2009 brings you the happiness you deserve. Face each day as it comes and focus on the things that make you happy. There is nothing like two beautiful children to make you smile! Jenny B

Anonymous said...

Love to read your blog and read the positive comments from your friends. You have a lot to be happy for not only for having such a wonderful mother and father (modest I know) but everything else as well. I would be only too pleased to join you in some belly laughs some time.
... Love Mum

Kerryn said...

I hope 2009 brings you much joy and happiness and that your smile returns brighter and happier.

Anonymous said...

Wow... thanks for sharing girl. It's great to see things starting to change for the better. Prayers and hugs to you girl and remember, I'm here if you ever need a chat. :)

Sar said...

Aw Lis, so glad that you feel you can talk to your blog buddies about all this, sometimes its like a weight has been lifted when you let it all go, isn't it? I won't see you this Friday at the crop, but I'll be there next week if you can make it?

Luv Sar

nerllybird said...

Hi Lisa, sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time. Sounds like things are looking up a bit now, tho. Your son's reading sounds amazing! That's a lot of slog you'll miss out on, it's so stressful when they can't seem to learn fast enough - altho in the end you wonder what you were worried about! x

Unknown said...

hi lisa!
my word for 2007 was happy and that is all I tried to be! Happy and it works when you put your mind to it

hugs to a happy 2009, hoping to catch up at that retreat you mentioned for a belly laugh

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