I have written this post four times now. Sometimes its so hard to communicate how you really feel about something without offending or upsetting someone (whether they read this blog or not). Lately I have been thinking alot about love and loss. The love for my children is beyond measure. They know it, I know it and the whole bloggy world knows it because I mention it often enough. I will never understand then why a parent would take the life of a child.
Seth has been asking me about Kiesha Abrahams. I didn't realise that he even knew who she was...its amazing what they pick up from the media. He wanted to know what happened to her. How do I explain to him that the two people a child is meant to trust most in this world, have taken her life away, buried her body in the bushland like an old dog, lied about it, then sought sympathy from the media and the public? I told him the truth.
He asked me if they threw her off a bridge. No sweetie, that was poor little Darcey Freeman. Last night he asked me what abducted means. Now, Kyla Rogers has become another statistic at the hands of a parent. Will people remember these children? I sure as hell will. Three little angels that were betrayed by their parents.
At what point do you go from being cranky at your child, to absolutely beating them until they take their last breath? I will NEVER understand it. How can a child annoy you so badly that you go to that extreme? How can you hate your ex-partner so much that you'll "punish" them by taking away the life of a child? It absolutely brings me to tears and breaks my heart. Being a parent is a privilege.
Some mum's are not so lucky...
Heartbreak touched us personally recently with the unexpected passing of a family member two days before Mother's Day. K was a young and vibrant woman with two young children, and she will be deeply missed. Nothing can ever replace a mother's love and I have constantly thought about her children since that day. I look at those tissue paper flowers and think of the gifts that K's children had made for her for this Mother's Day. They never got to see the joy in her eyes when they presented them to her.
Yesterday, I watched my children walk down the hill from the bus stop. Eme was happily skipping along, while Seth carried her school bag for her. I started to get teary for everything that K and her children will miss out on. Simple moments. Quiet moments. The not so quiet moments. Her passing has very much put life into perspective for me.
Hug your children, and keep them safe. They need you.
I know how hard it is to explain these things to our kids. It just seems impossible for a parent to do such unspeakable things to their babies. I try and explain that their mummy and daddy must have been sick :(
I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.
This brings a tear to my eye and yes I will hug my little ones the minute I get home.
Thank you for posting this Lis, I don't know how to put a blog post like this into words. I too am in disbelief at the news (along with the previous stories). I rang my husband in shock when I heard the news that they'd found her. After having a hard time juggling my life, time and responsibilities...things like this totally put it into perspective for me. I'm so sorry for your loss, can't imagine how you & your family are dealing with this. Lots of love, Sar
How can you explain their actions when it is incomprehensible to us? It is beyond belief what some people are capable of. After reading the report last night I went up and kissed both of mine as they slept.
I am very sorry for the loss of your friend.
You are so right Lis. Your parents are supposed to protect you and shelter you from all the harshness in the world. For some kids unfortunately that isn't the case. It is in-comprehendible to me that someone could do that to their child.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
You just brought a tear to my eye!! I Agree with what you have written here... Our kids are So Preious & how do you tell them that there are people out there like that????
I Soooo Sorry for the loss of your friend!!!!
Thinking of you Lisa. Loving your post. The memories of these children will make our kids lives better because we hurt for their stories Cheyne xxoo..
I don't understand it either. Just give your kids away or ask for help if you can't do it. I honestly think, those type of people are insane/mentally unstable/have something wrong with them.
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