Monday, November 5, 2012

From toddler to tween in the blink of an eye...

...and just like that, my little girl is growing up! The last time I took Eme to a concert, it was for the Wiggles. This weekend, she desperately wanted to see Reece Mastin in Wollongong Central. I had been using it as bribery on the days leading up to the free concert...secretly I was hoping to go too, so I kept encouraging her to behave! Eme dressed up in a pretty pink outfit, accessories (just like mumma), and little silver heels. So cute! We got there early, picking up a copy of Reece Mastin's CD  and securing a spot in the mosh pit of screaming teenage girls. An hour later, and it was show time...
I gave Eme a piggy back at first so that she could see, then we moved through the crowd for a better viewing position, finding a chair for her to stand on. She was singing along as loud as she could, but refrained from screaming and crying like some of the teenage girls around her...their behaviour actually freaked her out a little. Reece Mastin was really entertaining, and he sings really well live...well worth the trip into the 'gong.
Afterwards, we waited patiently for over 1.5 hours to meet Reece, and for him to autograph Eme's CD.  By the time we got to the front of the queue, Eme was exhausted, and her little feet were killing her (a lesson about wearing heels to a concert learned very early on!).  She also came over all shy, and didn't know what to say. I introduced her to Reece, and he called her gorgeous (swoon). All that waiting, for approximately one minute of Reece time.
Although she was super shy, she managed a smile for this photo, taken by Wollongong Central.  Great promo idea really. There wasn't enough time for everyone to take photos when they met Reece, so they had a professional there on the spot to capture the moment...and then shared them all on facebook! little girl was beaming afterwards. She kept saying "I can't believe he called me gorgeous!".  Eme proudly carried that CD all over Wollongong, and wouldn't allow me to put it away in my bag.  We also had to pop into Best and Less, and pick up a pair of thongs so that she could actually walk. lol.
Since then, Reece Mastin's cd is all that we've heard at home...constantly on repeat, with Eme making up dance routines to each of the songs. She even slept with the CD cover last night.  I imagine it won't be long until she wants to cover her walls with posters of her pop idols. Lord help me!

At what age did you start becoming aware of music? I don't remember being that obsessed at 7 years old.

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