Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scrapware giveaway...c'mon on down...

As promised, the winner of the Scrapware goodies...drumroll please...
Now, there's actually two winners because both kids wanted to pick a name out of the bowl (and who am I to play Yay for Wendy S and Laura T. Girls, send an email to with your address and I'll be winging some Scrapware your way! Thanks everyone who left me comments recently. Closer to SIA (Scrapbook Industry of Australia tradeshow), there will be more this space.


Charleegirl said...

Congratulations ladies. I am sure you will use your prize to create some wonderful masterpieces!! Lisa, your little cherubs are just adorbale!!! Alicia

Anonymous said...

I'm sure i would never have picked the colour combo in your last post but I love it, it works so well! I love the LO you created.Lynne D

Anonymous said...

OMG - I won --- thanks so much. I'll shoot you my address in a separate message.

Thank you again!

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