Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have real issues...

...parting with my children's clothes and shoes! Seth is now 5.5 and I have never disposed of the shoes he has grown out of!! Last week, a family that goes to Eme's daycare lost everything in a house fire...and their contents weren't insured! Totally devastating for them! Their son is only 1, so I thought I'd go through Seth's things and pass them on. As you can see from the pic below, we can certainly spare a few pairs. It motivated me to sort them into piles of still wearable, donate, ebay and totally trashed and no longer good to anyone! Seth is now down to only a few pairs and I feel a lot better! btw...this picture doesn't show all of them!While I was at it...I sorted out Eme's as well! They're all so tiny and sweet, and I'm so attached to them, but I have to let it go! We're not having any more babies, so no point hanging onto them. I have kept their first pair of shoes for their memory box. Check out how brown Eme's legs are compared to Seth's!I have been teaching some school holiday scrappy projects at Scrapbooking Delights over the last couple of weekends...and now its time to share. This first one is a photo frame by Kaiser, using Kaiser papers, bling, flourish and flowers. Super easy to make and the girls loved it! This next one is a hanging keepsake (again by Kaiser) with paper and lettering by Bella. Another simple project that can be completed in less than 2 hours and looks delightful as either a door or wall hanging. This one is now hung above Eme's bed, and she loves it! In fact, she was really annoyed that I had to take it into the shop to teach it! lol.
This weekend I'll be showing the girls how to make a couple of layouts and a card...will share once the class if finished.
How's your Project 365 going? I'm going strong and haven't missed a photo since I started on 28/12/08! So proud of myself - I really feel like I'm going to finish this project. I'm still deciding how to put them all together, but I have started printing them off and keeping them in order. I've also been making a diary note each note so I don't forget what I took a photo of and why!
Cheers, Lis.


Anonymous said...

You'd love this- for christmas my one month old granddaughter was given a teeny tiny pair of pink and white check shoes.(they're those slip on jogger type shoes, I can't remember the brand name). Sooo cute! I bet Trish will have trouble parting with them too! Lynne D.

Laura T. said...

OK - now that is a LOT of shoes -- that sure is more than I have. You need to part with the shoes ...

Love your creations - that photo frame is beautiful! Great job!

Helena said...

I can join you in these issues, except mine are clothes!!! I have all Chloe's (13) baby clothes and all of Aimee's (5) *blush* I so need to sort the really, really specail ones and get rid of the others!!!

I love the recent projects that you have made! Love the photo frame!


Charleegirl said...

Hey Lisa... what size shoe is Eme in??? I dont mind hand-me-downs, especially some of those cute little sparkly ones he he!!! I think Charlotte's pile would be just as bad if i took the time to do what you did... sad i know!!!! Alicia

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