For those who like to keep up with the Warren happenings...
- Eme was diagnosed with whooping cough on Saturday night...however we didn't find out until after we'd spent the night at the local Christmas Carols with a tonne of other kids. I hope she hasn't given it to anyone else. She'd been on antibiotics since the Thursday, so she is past the incubation period now and is welcome back at daycare. I can't advise parents strongly enough to keep your children home from daycare if they're ill...Eme's illness could have been prevented/avoided. It makes me so cranky. On a good note...we thought Eme's asthma would be exacerbated and we'd end up in hospital again, but so far so good.
- Sunday, I took Seth to celebrate my uncle and cousin's joint birthday party. Andrew and Eme stayed home due to her illness. We had a lovely lunch with all the family at Panorama House overlooking Wollongong and took lots of pics - will share soon when I can find the cord that connects the camera to the pc.
- The last two days I have been undergoing OHS Consultation training. I've always had a bit of a passion for all things OHS, so its been quite interesting and informative. I have another couple of days to go next week.
- Not much scrappy going on...I have done a couple of Christmassy things that I'll share next post, and this Friday night is the Scrapbooking Delights Christmas Crop - looking forward to that one!
Have a great week everyone...stay safe and enjoy the merriment that is the season.
hey Jennifer! Hope you're doing well. Hope Eme feels better - whooping cough sucks. I love that christmas card! very cute photo of the 2 of them. ^_^
Cute card. I hope Eme starts feeling better soon. I've been sick too. Just barely started my cards.
I did not know that about you - the OHS stuff.
I have a graduate diploma in it and have worked, on and off as an OHS consultant on an HR consultant for about fifteen years :)
Yeah, nerdy, hey!
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