Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas cards in the making...

I've finally started making my Christmas cards...and here's what the front looks like. The photograph is by the immensely talented Janine Kaye, and I've added the extra bits using Picnik. I will try to send them out by the end of the week, but knowing me, it'll be in the few days prior to Christmas (lol).I just love this pic of the the little bit of attitude on Seth's face. This may well be the last year he'll pose for a pic in a Santa hat (lol). Eme on the other hand is more than willing to dress up, and the fairy outfit suits her to a tee. Both outfits are from Cotton On Kids.

For those who like to keep up with the Warren happenings...
  • Eme was diagnosed with whooping cough on Saturday night...however we didn't find out until after we'd spent the night at the local Christmas Carols with a tonne of other kids. I hope she hasn't given it to anyone else. She'd been on antibiotics since the Thursday, so she is past the incubation period now and is welcome back at daycare. I can't advise parents strongly enough to keep your children home from daycare if they're ill...Eme's illness could have been prevented/avoided. It makes me so cranky. On a good note...we thought Eme's asthma would be exacerbated and we'd end up in hospital again, but so far so good.
  • Sunday, I took Seth to celebrate my uncle and cousin's joint birthday party. Andrew and Eme stayed home due to her illness. We had a lovely lunch with all the family at Panorama House overlooking Wollongong and took lots of pics - will share soon when I can find the cord that connects the camera to the pc.
  • The last two days I have been undergoing OHS Consultation training. I've always had a bit of a passion for all things OHS, so its been quite interesting and informative. I have another couple of days to go next week.
  • Not much scrappy going on...I have done a couple of Christmassy things that I'll share next post, and this Friday night is the Scrapbooking Delights Christmas Crop - looking forward to that one!

Have a great week everyone...stay safe and enjoy the merriment that is the season.


Calia Yang said...

hey Jennifer! Hope you're doing well. Hope Eme feels better - whooping cough sucks. I love that christmas card! very cute photo of the 2 of them. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Cute card. I hope Eme starts feeling better soon. I've been sick too. Just barely started my cards.

kathie said...

I did not know that about you - the OHS stuff.
I have a graduate diploma in it and have worked, on and off as an OHS consultant on an HR consultant for about fifteen years :)
Yeah, nerdy, hey!

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