Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Weight Watchers Wednesday | Time to push...

Welcome back to Weight Watchers Wednesday! Andrew and I have had a couple of week's break from blogging about our journey, and we're back, and feeling refreshed!

You may remember a few week's ago, Andrew shared his word for the year...PUSH! I am constantly amazed by Andrew's strength and determination. I have sat back, watching him go to personal training sessions...and feeling miserable and guilty. I had the food mostly under control, but I wasn't doing a stitch of exercise. I was also starting to feel left behind. This is a big part of my husband's life...something that is bringing him a lot of happiness...and I haven't been able to appreciate it with him.  A group of our friends were also going to the same sessions with Andrew, and they'd all talk about their training while we were together. I was starting to distance myself from them...from everyone. I could feel depression starting to rear it's ugly head again. That's the thing about depression. Sometimes you have no control over it. You don't realise that you're starting to choose bad foods, you feel really lethargic, stressed, and just plain miserable. Something had to give...

I decided to take Andrew's advise...and PUSH! I set myself some personal goals. Andrew and I set goals together. We have something to work towards (but you'll have to wait to find out what!). I told Andrew that I wanted to go along to a boxing cardio class with him. I think he was worried that he'd be stuck with me, and my weak punches, but I assured him...he could work to his strength, and I'd work to mine.

I took a gamble...and I really enjoyed it!!
I used muscles that had lied dormant for a very, very long time. Oh, I was SO sore the next day!! I winced, and whinged, and groaned every time I took a step. But, the pain subsided after a couple of days, and I returned for another session! This time, a body combat class. I know I'll be sore tomorrow, but it will be worth it. I feel good. It's scary, but I can do this.
When was the last time you pushed?

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