Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weight Watchers Wednesday | ProPoint friendly recipes...Breakfast Frittata, and Curried Sausages

Welcome to Weight Watchers Wednesday! This week, Andrew and I would like to share a couple of family favourite recipes that are not only ProPoints friendly, but incredibly delicious as well...even the kids will eat it. Win!'s the one day of the week when we don't have to rush out of the house at the crack of dawn for work, or a footy game. Sunday morning breakfast is always a cooked treat for us...usually poached eggs, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, and a good cup of tea. Another option for Sunday breakfast is frittata. So very easy to make...just throw together your favourite veges, pour over some eggs and cook. Stuck for ingredient ideas? Just follow this recipe...

Breakfast Frittata
Makes 4 servings | vegetarian | 4 ProPoints per serve
 You will need...
  • 3 baby potatoes, peeled and sliced
  • Spray oil
  • 1 cup grape tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 1 cup red capsicum, sliced
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 2 tbs fresh basil, torn
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup skim milk
  • 60g light Cheddar cheese, grated
Here's how...
  1. Par cook baby potato slices in the microwave until just tender...approximately 4 minutes. Drain and set aside.
  2. Lightly spray a fry pan with oil, and heat. Toss grape tomatoes and capsicum in the fry pan until tender. Remove and set aside.
  3. Arrange potato slices in fry pan so that they cover the pan. Add cooked tomatoes and red capsicum over the top, and finish layering the ingredients by sprinkling over the baby spinach and torn basil leaves.
  4. Beat eggs and skim milk until combined, and pour the liquid into the pan so that it covers all of the ingredients.  Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the frittata.
  5. Cook over heat until the bottom of the frittata is set, then transfer pan to grill to cook the top until golden brown.
  6. Slice into four quarters and serve.
Add a slice of middle rasher bacon if you wish, for an extra 3 ProPoints!


The following recipe's origins come from a Weight Watchers microwave cookbook, first published in 1987. It's a dish that my mum would cook my family when I was a teenager, and it was always a favourite! Back in the day, each serving provided 4 protein exchanges, 1/2 vegetable exchange, 2 fat exchanges, 1 fruit exchange, and 100 kilojoules optional exchange. Thank goodness Weight Watchers have made things easier for us to follow over the years. I have given the recipe a makeover, to enable you to cook it on the stove top and to make it ProPoints friendly.

Curried Sausages
Makes 4 servings | 8 ProPoints per serve
You will need...
  • 8 thin beef sausages
  • 1 cup sliced onions
  • 4 tsps polyunsaturated margarine
  • 4 tsps plain flour
  • 3 tsps curry powder
  • 2 beef stock cubes (salt-reduced), dissolved in 500ml water
  • 2 small granny smith apples, peeled, cored and sliced
  • 1 cup frozen beans
Here's how...
  1. Using a fork, prick skins of sausages. Boil sausages until just cooked through. Drain, then slice sausages diagonally into thick slices, set aside.
  2. Add onions and margarine to saucepan, and cook until onions are soft.
  3. Blend in flour and curry powder; gradually stir in dissolved broth.
  4. Cook, stirring occasionally until mixture is thickened.
  5. Add cooked sausages, apple slices and beans. Stir to combine. Return to heat, and cook until apple is just tender.
Serve with 1/2 cup steamed rice (4 ProPoints per serve).


Andrew and I have been trying to mix up the meals we cook every night so that we stave off boredom. Becoming bored on a healthy eating plan is a sure fire way to set yourself up to binge eat! One of our favourite meals so far is "Cheat's Lasagne" which was featured in the May 2013 issue of Weight Watchers magazine.
Do you read Weight Watchers magazine? I hadn't bought an issue for years, when I saw it on the newsagent's shelf. Upon flicking through, my eyes landed on the Cheat's Lasagne recipe, and I instantly knew what we were having for dinner that night! There's a few other recipes in there that we want to try out as well, so it was money well spent. I really love reading about other WW members success stories. It makes me feel that if they can do it, so can we! The next issue will be released 8 May 2013, and I can't wait to pick up a copy.

So, how have we fared on the scales this week?
Both Andrew and I lost 800g this week! So very happy to see the graph still sliding down that slope. I reached my first 5kg milestone as well! Happy days indeed.

Join us next week, when Andrew shares his exercise routine!

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