Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Weight Watchers Wednesday | two steps forward, a little step back...

The Warren household has been struck down with the flu...first it was Andrew's turn, then mine. What can I say, we like to share. There's been a distinct lack of caring about food and exercise, as neither of us has had the energy. It happens. There will be times along your Weight Watchers journey, were you just need to concentrate on lying on the lounge watching bad day time television, and sip copious amounts of soup and tea. We were so sick last week, that we neglected to share our progress! Andrew had a fantastic week, and lost 900g...reaching the goal of losing 5% of his body weight. I am so proud of him. I lost 500g myself, bringing my total weightloss to 6.8kg in 6 weeks.
Then the next seven days happened. To be honest, they were a flu-ey blur. We neglected to track our points, and didn't plan our meals at all. The dip in the graph shows the results...Andrew stayed the same, and I gained 200g. This might not seem like a lot, but every gain/loss counts. It makes you feel crappy when you stand on the scales and the result isn't what you'd hoped. It's so easy to lose your way when you're not concentrating, nor making conscious decisions. You can't dwell on it though, and you certainly can't give up!

This week, it's back to tracking our points, and making healthy this, my favourite breakfast!

This week, Andrew and I are road testing the new Weight Watchers "Family Favourites" cookbook!

Weight Watchers recipes are always delicious and filling, so we can't wait.

Next week, we'll share a few of our favourite recipes from the cookbook, and you'll have a chance to win a copy for yourself! Actually, quite a few of you will...because I have a dozen copies to giveaway!!

Have a great week, and remember, be kind to yourself.

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