Sunday, May 5, 2013

Meet my bloggy friend, Rachael at Fit Fab Forty

Today I'd like to introduce you to my friend Rachael, who writes the blog Fit Fab Forty!
Rachael began blogging in August 2012 (six months before her 40th birthday), to document her journey of weight-loss and fitness, personal challenges, food addiction, insecurities and everything that goes along with being overweight.

Fit Fab Forty is a fabulous read. Rachael knows how to keep it real; revealing how she's undergone weightloss surgery, her successes, her weekly activities, and her struggles. Rach is living proof that you don't need to be thin to be fit. I am constantly amazed by her drive, and how she manages to fit in working, raising a toddler, running the family home, as well as a variety of exercise.
[Rach crossing the finish line at Tri The Gong]
Rachael has achieved many of her personal goals through sheer hard work and determination. She's successfully competed in triathlons, the Mud Run, the Australian Indoor Rowing championships, and smashed many of her personal bests. I have no doubt she will achieve her personal goals, and I can't wait to read more about it on her blog.

The personal side...
Rachael and I first met around 8 years ago at a scrapbooking night. I was the Creative Memories girl, and she was the crazy chick painting plastic rivets. We hit it off straight away and I count her as one of my closest friends. She truly inspires me to be a better person...and to have some fun along the way! I love spending time with Rach, and her blog allows me to catch up with her even when we can't have a chat in person. She'll even braid my hair on occasion. Love that. When she came to me last year seeking blogging advice, I was thrilled! Finally...another friend I can talk to about blogging without them rolling their eyes! lol.
Rachael has recently been nominated for a Bupa Health Influencer Blog Award in the "Positive Life Change" category, and I couldn't be more proud of her. Head on over to Fit Fab Forty to have a read for yourself! Say hi to Rach for me.

Which one of your bloggy friends would you recommend that I visit?

Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member

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