Monday, April 13, 2009

We have a winner! and another colour combo...

So, in an effort to be completely random, I asked Sethy-boy to pick a number between 1 and 30, and he picked 12, which was Anthea!
Love your idea of using H2Os...might have to give that a go myself! Anthea, drop me an email with your addy so I can post off your Scrapware goodness!

This week's scheme at Color Combos Galore has been released, and it just screamed Easter to me!
spring green - blue easter egg - white bunny - tsougrisma red
Here's my layout...I thought I better scrap last Easter's photos before this Easter rolled around...and I just scraped in! lol. I always end up doing a double layout for these kinds of occasions...I just can't manage to fit all the photos on one page! Its a tradition in our house that the kids get dressed up (or is that forced by their mother?) fluffy ears it is. This year they got a new set, plus some hats...will post photos soon.
btw - the name for the red used in this combo "tsougrisma" is a Greek Easter about it here...a lot of fun to play. Andrew's grandfather used to play with them, but he was an awesome cheater - tapping (more like smashing) the sides of their eggs instead of the ends so that he'd win every time! lol. We spent Easter at the grandparents house again this year, and it was especially fun because Andrew's cousins were visiting from the US. We haven't seen them for about 2 years now and it gave me the warm and fuzzies watching the kids all play together. I took a tonne of photos and will be turning them into layouts real soon. Bianca spoiled us with American candies, and I'm ruing the day I ever met a Nestle Butterfinger! They are delicious!! and now I can't get them here! ahhhhhh!! lol. Seriously though, why aren't they sold in Australia? Bianca also delivered my Dream Date Barbie safely as well as bag of scrapping goodies! Thank you soooo much B!

Its been a great long weekend and its back to work tomorrow...oh well, all good things must come to an end! Lis.


Anthea said...

oh Lisa, I am so excited!! you can never have too much chipboard!!! will email you in a tick.

Gorgeous LO too on Color Combos too! I love that site

Anthea said...

BTW I forgot to say thankyou!! =)

Cherrytree said...


There is a company called sugarfix that imports US and UK lollies and chocolate. There is a shop in Westfield Miranda and i think they have a website. I'm feeling a little guilty now as I have become a chocolate enabler.


Anonymous said...

we get butterfingers up here.... next time i come down i will bring some.... we have an AWESOME lolly shop!!! they also have almond m&m's and peanut butter m&m's....


Greta Adams said...

gorgeous combo and that is colors i would have never put together but they are so fresh and springy....

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