Friday, February 15, 2008

friday again!

How quickly they seem to roll around!?! I've been so busy this week that I hadn't even noticed that I hadn't posted for a whole week! So, here's some inspiration from stuck?! for the weekend...

This week I have mastered the art of contact paper. I can't tell you how many books I've covered so far, but I am now an expert. What makes the task more difficult is that the covers are hand painted/drawn, so the surfaces are very rippled, which makes for bubbles. I also can't believe some of the subjects on the labels! My son is in kindy and the curriculum he's "studying" is unbelievable. One of subjects is titled "Human Society and Its Environment" - what the? What happened to painting and crayons? I don't remember doing anything like this at all. Seth already has 5 stickers in his praise book, which is very exciting. When he gets to 10, he gets some kind of recognition. The teacher is also very impressed with his academic ability, but says he's a little shy. We are really happy with how he's going and were confident that we did the right thing sending him this year. He runs into the playground every morning and hasn't cried once. Such a relief!

Have a great weekend, L.


Anonymous said...

Sounds exotic, but Human society and it's Environment is just a new name for what was Social Studies! Good to hear he is going well. Lynne D.

Cass said...

Go Sethy-boy!
The only "subjects" I remember from kindy are colouring in, cutting and naptime on the floor after lunch!

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