Monday, January 14, 2008

when it rains, it pours...

It has taken me an absolute age to get published, and this month I have a layout in both For Keeps and Scrapbook Creations - so exciting!! The colour of my layout in SC is a little off though - very orange or something. This scan's a little blurry, but you get the idea. I've machined stitched and doodled the cityscape along the bottom.

This weekend went by so quickly. Saturday I taught a class at Scrapbooking Delights, then went to Rachael's bridal shower - those girls sure know how to have a good time. When I left, they were just organising a night on the town - I'm just too old for all that (hehe). I ended up falling asleep at 8.30pm on the couch!

Yesterday we spent the day at home (except for grocery shopping - but that doesn't count). We had a massive thunder storm last night and blackout - thankfully it was only for 40mins and it was right when I was putting the kids to bed. I was prepared though - I had put the camping lamps on the dining table just in case, so was able to grab them when the power went out. We watched I Am Legend last night - when it finished, I just didn't know what to feel - it was a good movie, but left me feeling cold and sad. Wil Smith was awesome and powerful, but I just feel meh at the end. We ended up watching Celebrity Skinny Mums on Channel 7 after, just to clear our heads of the film - it worked - no nightmares!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh I love this LO - looks awesome in the mag!

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