Stuck?! sketch 17 is a double layout - very much a challenge for me because I've gotten in the habit of creating single page layouts - I'm really happy with it though. Doubles are fantastic for event pages - I always take masses of photos at birthday parties, so a layout like this is perfect. The photos were from my friend's son Blake's birthday party a few weeks ago. We had such a good time down by the lake celebrating Blakey's 2nd birthday - Eme still talks about it and sings him happy birthday. Jodie made all of these cute milk arrowroot faces and fairy bread - I'm sure I ate more party food than the kids!
the catch up...
This weekend went by in a blur - I've been unwell for the past week with some kind of virus that's causing migraines, dizziness, vomitting etc (you don't want to know about the etc!), so didn't do too much. I had planned on going to a class with Kim on Friday night, but spent it cuddled up on the lounge instead.
Saturday I taught at class at Scrapbooking Delights to my usual group of girls - they decorated the most gorgeous little Chrissy handbags - I made one for Eme during the class, then another for Seth when I got home. Saturday night, the gorgeous Anne joined me for scrapping until way after midnight - not a good idea considering how unwell I've been. I did manage to scrap two double pages of Seth's preschool photos and decorated a Chrissy star with some old K&Co flock paper and gold paint - very cute. Anne was on fire creating all these fantastic presents for her kids for Christmas - it was putting me to shame.
Yesterday, Andrew, the kids and I, all got up way too early and headed out to Red Sands, Bass Point, for a family photo shoot. Jo (the photographer) had us climbing over hills and rocks and lying down in the sand - hopefully they'll be gorgeous - was feeling very fat and disgusting yesterday, so not expecting I'll look too grand. The location itself was beautiful. We did the usual matching white t's and denim, so at least we are coordinated. We went to the shopping centre after and I made Andrew and Seth change their t's so we didn't look like the Stepford family! hehe.
the catch up...
This weekend went by in a blur - I've been unwell for the past week with some kind of virus that's causing migraines, dizziness, vomitting etc (you don't want to know about the etc!), so didn't do too much. I had planned on going to a class with Kim on Friday night, but spent it cuddled up on the lounge instead.
Saturday I taught at class at Scrapbooking Delights to my usual group of girls - they decorated the most gorgeous little Chrissy handbags - I made one for Eme during the class, then another for Seth when I got home. Saturday night, the gorgeous Anne joined me for scrapping until way after midnight - not a good idea considering how unwell I've been. I did manage to scrap two double pages of Seth's preschool photos and decorated a Chrissy star with some old K&Co flock paper and gold paint - very cute. Anne was on fire creating all these fantastic presents for her kids for Christmas - it was putting me to shame.
Yesterday, Andrew, the kids and I, all got up way too early and headed out to Red Sands, Bass Point, for a family photo shoot. Jo (the photographer) had us climbing over hills and rocks and lying down in the sand - hopefully they'll be gorgeous - was feeling very fat and disgusting yesterday, so not expecting I'll look too grand. The location itself was beautiful. We did the usual matching white t's and denim, so at least we are coordinated. We went to the shopping centre after and I made Andrew and Seth change their t's so we didn't look like the Stepford family! hehe.
My neighbours and 3 of their kids came over in the afternoon for a chat/play. Here they all are being cheeky monkeys on my front step...Eme, Abby, Ruby, Seth & Curtis (don't quote me on Abby & Ruby - not sure which one's which in this pic - sorry Anne). This photo was taken last week - they play so well together and Curtis is so sweet playing with Seth - I think Sethy boy looks up to him as a big brother. Poor Curt has had to listened to Seth rabbiting on and on about the Thunderbirds (his new found passion), so much so that Curt brought over his Thunderbirds Tracy Island play set for him to play with - Seth was thrilled!
Last night the virus kicked in again, so I was in bed by 7pm with a massive migraine etc. If it doesn't clear up soon, I'll be off to the quack.
Anyhoo, if you made it this far through my ramblings, congratulations! Leave me a message if you've popped in for a sticky beak.
Cheers, L.
ps. congrats to my friend Andy on his life changing decision - good for you!!
Anyhoo, if you made it this far through my ramblings, congratulations! Leave me a message if you've popped in for a sticky beak.
Cheers, L.
ps. congrats to my friend Andy on his life changing decision - good for you!!
Oh love this layout!
Hope your bug is cleared up quickly, it sounds really yuk! love the layout, Lynne D
Hope your feeling better Lisa - sounds like the bug knocked you round a bit.
Love the double layout here - you've done a fantastic job with it.
chat soon
Julie xx
Hi Lisa I love the layout too, but most of all I love this picture of our kids. Soooo natural.Something nice to look back on in 10 years. Sorry to keep you up so late on Saturady night but I was so happy to get those things done, got me back in the scrapbooking mood
hope your bug is all better. love the lo. fairybread mmmmmm. love kids parties just for the fairy bread.
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