Friday, October 12, 2007


1. I am addicted to facebook - those who've read my previous posts would know I only joined a short time ago and already I just can't get enough. I can only equate it to a know all those annoying emails people send you asking you to forward them on to 10 or more friends! Funny thing is, its loads of fun and I've caught up with people I haven't seen for years, as well people I've admired and my friends. If you register, come find me...

2. I've been a little slack uploading some layouts...I've been creating up a storm lately and am loving the results. Thanks to Kim, I've been indulging in patterned backgrounds...refreshing change to bazzill (will never give that up though).

3. I still haven't drawn a name from my RAK...will do this soon.
Cheers, L.


Anonymous said...

love the photo of seth and eme. they are so cute. your butterfly is beautiful.

Sar said...

What an awesome photo of your two in the boat....those facials are classic!!! Those moments are so special, aren't they...


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