Thursday, August 30, 2007

they like me...

To say I'm surprised is an understatement. I was absolutely thrilled to receive an email from Basic Grey today saying that one of my layouts had been selected to appear in their online gallery! My layout appears right next to one of Janine's gorgeous layouts - I'm certainly in excellent company. I'm always looking at their website for inspiration - afterall they're one of the best scrapbooking manufacturers out there. The layout is the one of Eme called "pure" that I showed here a couple of weeks ago.

What a massive day today...the kids are absolutely shattered and I feel the same.

After dropping Andrew at work and doing some shopping, we went to the park down beside Lake Illawarra - beautiful morning, but I could feel myself getting burnt, so decided to pack it in after 40 mins. Eme would have been okay, but Seth has such fair skin so its not advisable to stay outside too long. We veged on the lounge for a little while watching "Chicken Little" then put Eme to bed. Seth kept telling me it was 12pm so Eme had to go to sleep - he has an ulterior motive though - he can only play on the pc while she's asleep! He's got his "Finding Nemo" down pat - he beats me sometimes too. We spent the afternoon at a local play centre with Kim and Benson. The kids play so well together, but wouldn't leave us alone - there's only so much bribery one can make with lollies!

Tonight Andrew and I met with the kids carers to find out their progress. Seth is doing really well and surprisingly he is patient and waits for his turn, needs very little instruction to complete tasks and helps out the other kids to find their names. Apart from being young, he will be more than ready to start school next year. Eme is being transitioned into the 2-3year olds at the moment (she turns 2 at the end of September). She's also doing really well, can identify all her colours, loves dancing and is forming a special friendship with a little boy named Noah - better keep an eye on that one!

We also took the kids to their first swimming lessons tonight. Eme is in the "Angel Fish" class with Andrew - otherwise known as "splash and scream", which she did for the whole 1/2 hour. Seth is in the "Periwinkle" class with his mate Jack. He wouldn't get in the pool for the first 15mins, then didn't want to get out and was screaming when we left. While he was in the pool he did fantastically though and he can't wait to go back next week. I think both of their performances tonight were due to tiredness - will remember to not do so much next Thursday. Sethy is sleeping over at Granny and PaPa's tonight, so very quiet here at the moment.

Will post some more layouts tomorrow - received my Scrapbook Creations colour competition entry back today - I was a finalist and my layout has been travelling the countryside - very exciting.


Sar said...

Hey Lisa,

Do your kids go to McKeons Swim School? The names of the classes sounds familiar to me, thats all...


Anonymous said...

Well done Lisa with your layout. That was a beautiful one of Eme so I can understand why they chose you. Swimming sounded great, future Olympians do you think.
... Love Mum

KimA said...

congrats Lisa!!!

Cass said...

Congrats on your Basic Grey acceptance. Beautiful layout Lisa. :)

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