Wednesday, July 18, 2007

yes it's 1.37am

and I am still awake! Going a bit mental - my four year old son has decided he no longer wants to sleep in his own bed. He tells me he doesn't like his bed and he's lonely. I don't understand what is going on and I'm not feeling particularly maternal at this time of the morning. I have however decided he is no longer sneaking into our bed in the middle of the night. We pulled his trundle bed into his baby sister's room tonight hoping that would solve the loneliness issue, but now all he is doing is keeping her awake too. I can hear both of them whinging and Andrew is currently down there trying to placate both of them. I know its selfish to want my own space, but I can no longer wake up in the morning hanging off the edge of the bed with numb hands because I haven't been able to move all night long! Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with a stubborn four year old who there is no reasoning with??
Yours in sleep deprivation, L.


Anonymous said...

It may be just a stage he is going through or he may be a bit cold. I still have my 8year old (two weeks and she will be 9) and my five year old coming into my bed. It won't last and I have decided that I should enjoy this time as they probably won't want anything to do with me in a few years. If I can't stand it I get out and let them sleep in my bed and I go to theirs. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good luck


Anonymous said...

no advice just sympathy and understanding. you're not alone, i go through this as well from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Not a good phase hope it comes to an end for you soon.Take care c u soon. Nell

KimA said...

Lisa - all I can say is if you really want him out you have to be strong and stick to your guns. If you give into him then it will just get harder and harder. Once you make the decision, stick to it.

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