Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Introducing The Block | Fans v Faves! Meet the all the fun of the elimination rounds

Brought to you by The Block Shop

After months of teasers, The Block is back for a brand new season! Just when you think you've got a handle on what to expect, the producers mix it up again...bringing back last season's winners, Alisa and Lysandra, and firm fan favourites, Brad and Dale, who'll be competing against some of The Blocks biggest fans! Yes, I know, I should be there (lol). As with previous seasons, I'll be blogging all of The Block Fans v Faves reveals, the auction results, and sharing where you can purchase some of the gorgeous furniture pieces, home decor, art work, and more, from The Block Shop.
Let's meet the fans!
  • Kyal and Kara | a married couple from the Central Coast of NSW
  • Pascale and Chris | a married couple from the Gold Coast, QLD
  • Jesse and Kenny | married miners from Townsville, QLD, and
  • Chantelle and Steve | a couple from Melbourne, VIC (not married, as Chantelle pointed out several times in their opening profile shots)
So, we've been introduced to two Faves couples, and four Fan couples...but there's only four apartments to renovate. That can only mean one thing...ELIMINATION CHALLENGE!

First elimination round
First up...Kyal and Kara v. Jesse and Kenny. Both couples were given 24 hours, and a $10,000 budget to spend, with the brief of creating a Manhattan style loft. Sounds easy enough...hmmm. Scotty Cam also presented them with a gift they had to include in their rooms...a vintage Bally print. Let's see what the couples delivered...

Jesse and Kenny
Jesse and Kenny had some great ideas for their space, starting with a muddy orange paint scheme. At first I wasn't sure about their colour choice, but it's really grown on works really well with the neutral furnishings they've selected. Jesse and Kenny stripped some of the paint back to expose the warehouse brick work behind, creating a feature wall that would definitely be at home in a Manhattan loft. From this angle, the room is an absolute winner...
Jesse and Kenny had real potential. Unfortunately they weren't able to pull the whole room together. The Bally print really doesn't work with the orange walls, and the tan chair tends to blend in. A darker leather chair in a larger scale would have provided better contrast, and owned that corner a little more.
Another interesting design concept they tried was the timber feature behind the wall-mounted television. Judge, Neale Whitaker mentioned that he would have like to have seen the timber go the full height of the wall. It certainly would have added more drama. As a feature, it looks out of scale with the oversized floor lamp. Overall, Jesse and Kenny's room was a great effort, but not enough to get them onto The Block.
1. Swatches vintage poster print | 2. Streetscape 86 | 3. Cityscape 87

Kyal and Kara
I loved this space, and the moment Kyal and Kara chose to frame-out the graffiti wall, I knew they had the win. This room more than fills the brief. Kyal and Kara really thought about how this space would have been used. Instead of creating just a bedroom, there's space dedicated to lounging, and dining as well.
Kyal's attention to detail was impeccable. I love the rawness of the timber surrounding the bed, with the feature pendant lights floating in front. Judge, Shaynna Blaze mentioned that by framing out the graffiti, it looks as though they've installed a very expensive work of art. Smart move selecting plain bedding so that it didn't compete with the street art.
Another of Kyal's installations was a nib wall, dividing the space between the living and sleeping areas. The Bally print looks perfectly at home in this space, with the orange tones mirrored in the copper pendant light cluster, art work and bedding. The judges only criticism was their choice of rug. I somewhat agree...perhaps a larger scale rug, or perhaps two different choices would have lifted this space to the next level. Overall, this space is gorgeous, and I'm so thrilled Kyal and Kara have made it onto The Block. I can't wait to see what they'll deliver next!
1. Gable pitcher and glasses, Tambo bottle | 2. Bally Man vintage poster | 3. Jensen pendant light | 4. Zuster American Oak Hooks | 5. Mak table lamp | 6. Tom Dixon candles | 7. Zuster Jade table lamp
Second elimination round
One spot down, one to go. Stepping up to take on the elimination challenge were Pascale and Chris, and Chantelle and Steve. The brief, budget, and timeframe remained this same, however their "gift" was a stunning David Turbridge pendant light valued at $1,000!

Pascale and Chris
Like many fans, Pascale and Chris have never missed an episode of The Block. I'm not trying to be mean here, because the pieces they selected weren't bad...but they really seemed to be floundering. I don't think they fully understood how quickly time would pass them by, and how they'd have to make decisions on the run. The room they delivered looked so bare, and they only managed to spend $5,500 of their $10,000 budget. Unfortunately it shows.  The rug is gorgeous, but doesn't tie into anything else in the room. It may have had a little more impact if it were tucked under the corner of the bed.
The replica desk and chair from Matt Blatt were great choices, but they just looked so lost in their finished room.
The bedding Pascale chose was also fun and vibrant. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to put them through to The Block. The judges didn't feel their selections fit the "Manhattan loft" brief at all, and they were sent home. Mental note for future not present a disposable plastic plate filled with fruit as a decorator item.
Chantelle and Steve
The winners of the second elimination! Like Pascale and Chris, Chantelle and Steve underestimated how much time it took to pull a room together. What they did deliver, however, was really nice! The only additions the judges would have liked to have seen would have been a rug. I would have liked to have seen a coffee table, or perhaps some lamps as well just to finish off the space more. Scotty Cam's pendant light gift looks perfectly at home in this space. I love the warm tone of the timber flooring as well.
Chantelle spent half their budget on the bedhead and chair alone. Thankfully the shop owner threw in the bedside tables for nothing! The furniture Chantelle selected was just gorgeous and created a real statement in the room. I'm not sure how comfy that chair is, but I'd be willing to test it out with a good book! How fab does the graffiti look reflected in the mirror.
Like Kyal and Kara, Chantelle and Steve took full advantage of the graffiti wall. Instead of boxing it out, they stained the frames the same colour as their flooring and installed vertical strip lights behind to highlight the art. I've never seen a bed like this one. It's so beautiful, however it seems to get lost against that bold wall. I wonder if it would have looked better against a while wall instead? Chantelle and Steve have real potential. If this is just a sample, I can't wait to see what they deliver on The Block!
So, with all of the couples selected, it's time to move onto The Block! Bring it...oh, and don't forget to listen to Scotty. He's a wise man, that one.

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