Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weight Watchers Wednesday | Revisiting my goals

Brought to you by Weight Watchers

Last week, I set myself some mini goals to get myself back on track. In an effort to be more accountable, here's how I went...

My results...
Last week: 136.7kg
This week: 136.1kg
Difference: 0.6kg loss

Starting weight: 142.9kg
Total weightloss to date: 6.8kg loss
  • Create a menu plan that fits within our ProPoints allocation.
    While we haven't created a full week's or fortnight's meal plan, my hubby and I have worked out a few days worth of meals at a time. It's been working for us, because we know exactly what we'll be having, and have bought accordingly. There has been no wastage of food in the fridge, which is great.
  • Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy, ProPoint friendly snacks.
    I must admit. I haven't been grocery shopping yet. We have been so busy lately, we've only had time to duck into the store and pick up essential supplies. It's on my list for this weekend. I did make a massive pot of vegetable soup that had only 1 ProPoint per serve, so that was great to have between meals...warming and hearty...see recipe below...
  • Drink more water.
    Done. I've upped my water intake by an extra 750ml per day so far. There's been a few mornings the day after that I've felt very dehydrated. I really need to remember to drink more water after a work out. This week...drink more water!
  • Cut back on diet soft drink.
    I haven't given up diet soft drink all together, but have cut back from 2-3 x 600ml bottles per day, to one. That stuff is seriously addictive, and I know it isn't good for me. My plan for this week is to cut back even further.
  • Continue to exercise.
    I am really enjoying my time at the gym. I have continued going to the Boxing Cardio, Body Combat, and Fusion (aerobics and toning) classes, and this week I added a Pump It class. OMGosh, I was so sore afterwards, but I felt great. This week, Andrew and I are starting a 30-day squat challenge in addition to our regular exercise sessions.
  • Acknowledge the way I feel...don't feed it.
    This week, I was bored. I really wanted to binge on something sweet, but I resisted. I posted on facebook that I was searching for something to eat, and everyone answered back with healthy options. I settled on an apple and crumpet instead of something incredibly fattening.
  • Put the scales away until next Wednesday.Ok, so I didn't put them away, however I only weighed myself one extra time during the week (Saturday), just to see how I was going. Stepping on the scales every day is just ridiculous. Your weight fluctuates way to much to get an accurate reading. Stick to one weigh in maximum per week.
  • Stay positive and push myself to do better!This week, I partnered up with a woman who was attending her first boxing cardio session. For once I wasn't the newbie, and could pass on the information that others have shared with me. I noticed she kept moving backwards each time I hit the pads. She surprised me by telling me how strong I was! I've never considered myself to be strong. Well, that just pushed me to do even better. Since I began my exercise journey, I have noticed that I feel better...more determined...but more importantly, more confident! Last night, instead of doing a simple knee lift/kick combo, I was able to do the whole knee/kick jump! I surprised myself big time!! I may have exclaimed "I DID IT!" a little too loud. It built my confidence even more, to the point where I tried skipping from side to side, instead of just stepping. I managed to do that too! Confidence is the key.
This week's goals will remain the same, with the addition of one...track all of my ProPoints using the Weight Watchers app

Slow cooker vegetable soup
Serves 8 | 1 ProPoint per serve
This low calorie soup is quite possibly the easiest soup of all time...and makes a great snack or starter!
  • Peel and chop the following ingredients...carrots, celery, onion, parsnip, swede, red potato, and sweet potato
  • Throw all of the chopped veges into the slow cooker
  • Add vegetable stock powder (to taste), and enough hot water to cover.
  • Cook on low for 7-8 hours until all of the veges are soft
That's it! It couldn't be more simple. If you have other veges on hand, throw them in too. To give it more umph, you could add some chicken or rissoni...just remember to account for the additional points.

I'll leave you with this...
In terms of rules...these all seem so achievable. They're not rocket science, yet it works!

How often do you reassess your goals?

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