Monday, July 29, 2013

Fresh blog designs | Straight & Narrow, and Common Chaos Chronicle

In my spare time*, I design blogs for other bloggers. I love the challenge of helping others discover their blog's new identity. There can be a bit of back or forth, or we can hit the nail on the head together first draft! You just never know...but I'm patient, and we always get there together in the end. My design process if pretty simple...pick out the colours you like, let me know what your blog title and tagline is (if you have one), and then I set to work. Pinterest is great tool for blog redesign...seeing a moodboard of things someone likes, is a great insight into their design ethos.

I wanted to share two blog designs that have been completed in the last week...the first, a new blog created from scratch; the second, a blog redesign and relaunch.

First up...Straight and Narrow. A brand new blog by Karla, where she'll be documenting her journey towards a healthy life in mind, body and spirit.

I have known Karla since our boys were babies (10 years to be exact), so helping her come up with her blog design was easy. I know that she likes graphic design, with clean and simple lines. We started with a bold pink, yellow and navy colour scheme, with a bit of cream thrown in, and went from there. Simple mixed fonts, colourful triangles, and no fuss and frills. Karla's design represents her blog and her personality perfectly. It's happy, clean, and straight to the point. Do yourself a favour...head over and have a read of Straight and Narrow, and leave a comment for Karla.


Next...Common Chaos Chronicle. Jacqui has been blogging for quite some time. Sometimes you reach a point in your blogging life when you either outgrow your design, or it begins to feel a little stale...and that is exactly where Jacqui was at. Her old header featured six little owls, one for each of her children...just one problem with that...she had added another bubba to her brood, and he wasn't represented! That's where I came in...
In the early stages of the blog redesign, Jacqui realised she wanted a whole new blog personality as well. Jacqui refers to her seven children (yes 7!) as her monster this was my jumping off point. Jacqui handed over the reigns of her blog, and told me to go for it. The owls flew their bloggy nest, and took the dark green and purple colour scheme with them. The final design was a surprise for Jacqui, and thankfully she loved it! Seven cute and colourful monsters now take pride of place on her blog's header, and a casual and slightly messy font was selected for the title, to represent her monster squad chaos. Not only did she love the design, she now feels more inspired to blog! Winning all around. Head on over to Common Chaos Chronicle, check out the other design elements I created, and read Jacqui's latest tutorial.


Are you looking to have your blog redesigned? I can do as little as adding social media buttons to your current blog, to completely new and fresh designs. I'm more than happy to design whatever it is you need...even if you want a unicorn farting bubbles of fairy floss, I'm sure I can come up with something you'll love! lol. Check out my blog design rates, then send me an email. Looking forward to hearing from you!

*Spare time...pfft...what mother has that? lol. If you want something done...ask a busy person.

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