Saturday, January 12, 2013

Forty by forty...

It's just a number...or is it?
I'm in two minds about turning forty next year.
Am I worried about it, or feeling all a bit non-plussed?
Honestly, it's just a number.
When I look at myself in the mirror, I don't see a particular all.
I may or may not be in denial.

A milestone number needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. Leading up to the big day, there's a few things I need to cross off my list. I present to you...
  1. Send my media kit to potential sponsors for BlogHer' right now
    - yeah, I wussed out there...maybe I'll try again for BlogHer'14.
  2. Swim in the ocean and play in the waves
  3. Picnic at the Twilight Food Markets of the World - Feb/March 2013
  4. Celebrate my 39th birthday - March 2013 - done
  5. Watch the sunset cinema
  6. Learn how to make my own sushi
  7. Renew my's been expired for 12 years!
  8. Learn how to crochet...something, anything
  9. Speak to my doctor about discontinuing my antidepressants
  10. Create a family budget and stick to it
  11. Take a cake decorating course
  12. Attend BlogHer in Chicago, IL - July 2013...pending no. 1 above
  13. Sew a single bed quilt
  14. Read a novel...sadly I haven't read one since my children were born!
  15. Create a piece of artwork for my home
  16. Take my lunch to work at least four days a week
  17. Write for my blog more often, and create a series
    - Mood Board Monday launched 19 August 2013
  18. Refinish Andrew's grandmother's art deco cabinet
  19. Learn how to use the lawn mower
  20. Take each of my children out on an individual date
  21. Reign in my frivilous spending ways and save money
  22. Get up early to see the sunrise
  23. Ride a bicycle on the path from Wollongong to Bulli with the family
  24. Celebrate Melbourne Cup Day at the racecourse - November 2013
  25. Go on a family holiday - January 2014
  26. Actually go on a date on Valentine's Day...dinner and a movie, hubby??
  27. Learn how to braid my own hair
  28. Spend a night or two in a 5 star hotel
  29. Go dancing with my girlfriends
  30. Try a new recipe once a month
  31. Spend more time with my sister
  32. File all of my scrapbook layouts into albums
  33. Drink my first cup of coffee...just to see if I'm actually missing out
  34. Build a display / organisational wall for all of my costume jewellery
  35. Make at least 5-10 things I've pinned on Pinterest
  36. Declutter my home, removing things that aren't purposeful or beautiful
  37. Commit to living healthier, moving more, and losing weight
  38. Get another tattoo...a bumblebee...location to be determined
    - three tattoos added to my body on 10 September 2013
  39. Get all festive, and decorate my home for every major holiday/occasion
  40. Plan one mother of a 40th birthday party for March 2014
Join me on my adventure to complete my...
What would you include on your list?

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