Monday, March 7, 2011

Discover | Turning 37...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, my age has never really bothered me. Its just a number...or so I thought. I don't know how, but I miscalculated my age and had been telling people I was turning 38! lol. Thankfully, a quick thinking co-worker set me straight. Yes, I only turned 37. hehehe. I was somewhat thankful to get that year back!

I had a great birthday and felt very spoilt.  Andrew and the kids let me sleep in...or more correctly, Andrew stopped the kids from jumping on me too early. They were super excited to give me my pressies - a cover for my new iphone, a dvd and some perfume.  Seth wrote the funniest message in my card about not telling dad that my iphone is better than his. lol.  After pressies and showers, it was off to Diggies for brunch.  It was absolutely delicious. I had the big breakfast, which was way too much food. Seth managed to polish off his breakfast, then part of mine and Eme's. I think he might be having a growth spurt soon.
After brunch, it was off to Freedom Furniture for part two of my pressies...two new bar stools. Nice! I've had my eye on the Mao bar stool for ages, and now they're mine! Yay!! Love them. They go perfectly with the vintage art deco buffet I picked up on ebay recently.

I had not one, not two, but five cakes for my birthday!! lol. One at work, one at crop, one during the day on my birthday, one that my mum brought as well, then the one Andrew and the kids baked! Thankfully I only had a small piece of each. I think we'll be eating cake for a while to come.
Love the dodgy, tired candle on the left. hehehe. So that's it. Another birthday done and dusted.  So what did I wish for when I was blowing out the candles?  That would be telling...  ;-)

Cheers, Lis.

bwt - My facebook page almost blew up with all the birthday messages pouring through. I felt so absolutely blessed and spoilt and loved. Thank you everyone!


Her Essential Hand said...

sounds like a gorgeous day, totally what birthdays are about uh :))
Happy Birthday.

Q said...

Happy 37th to you Lisa... I turn 36on Friday and also have never been bothered about telling people how old I am. I think we both just realise that we are awesome no matter how old we are hey?! :)
I have to see what I can do to sort out 5 cakes tho!!

Wendy Smith said...

glad you had a lovely birthday Lisa..I am so pleased you got a year younger this year (but you are still older than me..ROFL ;)

Leanne said...

Oh wow!! Five cakes! Hope you had a wonderful and magical day...x

Nay and Gilly said...

I'm so happy you had a great birthday! ox

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