Sunday, February 8, 2009

Summer in Australia is...

Extreme weather! For the last couple of weeks, we've been listening to the news...telling us about the heat wave going through South Australia and Victoria, power cuts, flooding in North Queensland and the bush fires throughout New South Wales and parts of Victoria. This morning we woke up to news that at least 40 people died overnight in flash fires through Victoria and over 100 homes destroyed... absolutely devastating and heart-breaking. I really feel for them and the emergency workers - most of whom are volunteers and put their lives on the line every time they answer a call for help. THANK YOU! (Edited...the toll is now 65 lives and over 700 homes and they expect it to rise...I just hope tonight is better)
[photos courtesy of internet]
...and now the heat wave is coming to NSW. Yesterday was nearly 40C and our Minister declared that water restrictions had been relaxed to allow children to play under sprinklers...and we took full advantage! Seth is nearly 6 and it was the first time he's ever played under the hose. We've been going through a drought for a number of years, so this was a true luxury! You can see from our "grass" how dry it is at the moment.
We'll be planning lots of time indoors and hopefully our air-conditioner will cope. I hate to think how much our electricity bill will be next quarter, but its a small price to pay for some comfort. The kids are going a little crazy being cooped up inside, but I just can't risk them getting burnt or heat stroke. Even little Marley is spending a bit more time inside.

Take care everyone. Spare a moment to remember those who've lost family, friends, homes, livestock and livelihoods and give thanks to everyone who dedicate their time to keep us safe.



KimA said...

I totally agree about saying thanks to our volunteers. We spent the mornings this weekend chilling at the beach - 10 degrees cooler than the western suburbs.

Sar said...

OMG, its just horrific isn't it babe, I can't imagine what people are going through down there...

Anonymous said...

My girls spent a week at my parent's farm in Berry during the last school holidays and I told Sienna to pack her swimmer's because Pop might put the sprinkler on if it's really hot.....she said to me "Huh?? What's a sprinkler"????? A sign of the times!! Katrina

nerllybird said...

Lisa, that sounds so terrible, I would be so scared if I lived in an area where there was any risk of bush fires. Hope you can cope with the heat where you are, it's really worrying when you have children in these extreme weather conditions.

Anonymous said...

its so weird, the absolute opposite extremes that we face, while i am up here in the flood ravaged north, you guys are sweltering in the heat down there.... i am starting to turn into a duck!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh that was me by the way....

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing about all the fires -- hope you are safe and far away from where they are. My prayers go out to the families who lost a loved one and/or their homes.

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