Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This is not an episode of Hoarders...it's my life.

NB: The following images may cause heart palpitations, and gasps of horror!  When I say "it's not actually as bad as it looks"...would you believe me?

This is the front room in our house. It's never had a designated purpose, and over the years it has filled up with junk. Stuff that we didn't know what to do with at the time, or perhaps we had visitors coming over and we had to tidy up quickly. It's a general dumping ground, and we hate it. Stand back, throw item in, quickly shut the doors.  Actually, the room didn't have doors originally, so my dad installed some for us. Closed doors somehow gave us permission to create a room full of crap! Time and time again, we've cleaned it up, then let it go again. Time to throw open the windows and breathe life into this space.
My parents recently moved into a fully furnished house, which led to an excess of furniture once they added their own furniture into the mix. We've been given a beautiful four seater lounge with chaise that will fit perfectly in this room. Finally we'll be decorating and using this room for it's intended purpose!! First things first...we need to declutter...big time.
This particular day, I worked my arse off to get it to this state. Then I bought more furniture. It currently looks like a second hand furniture store, but it's getting there. I can't wait to share this room's transformation with you! Watch this space...

What are you afraid to reveal about your home? Do you shut the doors and pretend it doesn't exist?

Keeping it real. Not every blogger lives in a designer home!

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