Top ten most memorable Oprah moments over the last 25 years!
Obviously there are way more, but this is Tuesday Ten, not Tuesday Ten Thousand...
- It doesn't matter how famous or wealthy you are, you can still put all the weight back on that you've lost. Oprah's never give up attitude towards her weight issues is admirable. Most recently she interviewed Geneen Roth, the author of "Women Food and God". The book was recommended to me by a kindred spirit, then the following day I caught the Oprah interview. I went and purchased the book straight away. Never diet again. Deal with what I'm feeding. Wish me luck.
- Eating dinner is good; dining is better. Years ago I watched an episode featuring Carolyn Roehm. Her book "At Home with Carolyn Roehm" was truly inspiring. Her place settings, floral arrangements and seasonal menus were so incredibly beautiful. I wanted to host parties just like her, and I especially wanted her hallway cupboards filled with colourful coordinating crockery, glassware and linen for every occasion! I'm yet to obtain a copy of book, but I can picture it vividly in my mind.
- We are going to Australia! We are going to Australia!! I never did get to sit in an Oprah audience and I was supremely jealous of every single one of those Aussies who watched the taping on the steps of the "Oprah" house. The way Oprah portrayed Australia was just beautiful and she had me in tears for a week straight. It made me want to go and see more of this beautiful country. btw - I laughed my a#*e off when she was holding a koala!
- I have never felt more uncomfortable watching an episode of Oprah than when she recently interviewed men who were convicted child molesters. The way they spoke about grooming their victims and how they knew exactly what they were doing left my skin crawling. They showed little or no remorse for molesting their children. So absolutely horrifying and I will never understand it.
- Oprah's generosity. Every single "My Favourite Things" episode. I cried every single time. I was so excited for all of those people receiving all of those wonderful things!! That would have been my dream taping to attend. Looks like I'll have to live vicariously.
- Oprah's mobile phone campaign "No Phone Zone". It is so easy to be distracted while driving. I will admit that I have been guilty of talking on my mobile phone while driving, but I always use hands free. I NEVER text while driving. There is no way you can control a vehicle going at 100km/hr and figure out whether you're pressing the right buttons to make a logical word. I often see young drivers texting, particularly females. If its that frickin' important...pull over! So many accidents and deaths could be avoided by putting the mobile phone down. I've signed the pledge. Have you?
- Does this clutter make my butt look fat? lol. Loved the title of this book by Peter Walsh. It resonated with me. If your kitchen is a mess, you are more likely to make bad food choices. Its true. If my kitchen benches are heaving with crap, I will probably take the easy option and buy takeaway. When my bench is clean, I want to cook good food for my family. The kitchen is the heart and soul of the home. The clutter in our houses and the clutter inside our minds and bodies is directly related.
- Oprah and Nate Berkus. I loved watching Nate Berkus' makeovers on the Oprah show and I'm so glad that he now has his own show. Yes, I watch it every afternoon at 5pm on W (Austar/Foxtel). He is such a caring and inspirational interior designer, and I love that he doesn't hide tv's behind armoires. lol. My heart broke for Nate when his partner was killed in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. I watched in tears as he spoke to Oprah following that devastating event. I'm so glad he had the courage to continue with his life in the media spotlight. The world is richer for having Nate in it.
- Jumping up and down on a couch to declare your love is just odd. I'm looking at you Tom Cruise. It was at that precise moment that I lost all interest in anything Tom Cruise has done or will ever do in the future. I'm not losing sleep over it.
- Lastly, the most important lesson I have learned from Oprah...live my best life possible. I cannot tell you how many times I've said to Andrew..."Today on Oprah..." and then shared some snippet that meant something to me. More often than not Oprah has made me cry...through shared happiness, absolute joy, and terrible sadness. I have learned so much from her. After watching Oprah for 25 years...yes, even at the age of 12...she has become a massive part of my life and no doubt there will be a grieving process. Thank goodness for reruns.
Oprah, you are a beautiful person inside and out and I can't believe this is it! Thank you for an amazing 25 years.
Do you have a favourite Oprah moment?
I haven't watched much Oprah in recent years, thanks for sharing your insight.
Hi Lisa, following along - found you on DP. Love the blog. You are obviously very clever and know a bit about web design. Nice work. I actually started by blog after an Oprah show about mummy's getting lost in the mummyhood! Caz thetruthaboutmummy@blogspot.com. (blogger is not letting me comment!)
Hi Lisa. I can just about agree with you on your top 10 Oprah moments (except maybe the child molester one). Lately the episodes have been about child molesters or abused children and I just turn it off. I love the "favourite things" episodes too. Any tears shed for the final 3 episodes yet? I've had a couple. Looking forward to tonight's FINAL episode.
Love your blog! (Just popping over from Flog Your Blog Friday.)
Anne @ Domesblissity
Hi, found your blog via FYBF! I'm a massive Lady O fan so I was really excited to read your list. My ultimate viewer moment was being part of her audience in Sydney (ticked a dream off my list that day!) and my most treasured guest on her show was Mummy Warrior Monica Jorge. She is such an inspiration and I still think of her every day.
Hi too found your blog via FYBF ... love Oprah and will be bawling tonight for the final episode. Thanks for reminding me about some of the memories.
She's great, but I can't watch it :P I'm odd, I know :)
I love Oprah. I consider her the biggest influence on my spiritual growth. Seriously! If not for her, I would not feel so strong in my beliefs on some things. I really loved the James Frey interviews she did recently.
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